Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 8

This one was a bit different than the others. When the fruit on the pot touched the soil, it shook intensively. It was moving intensively as if there was an earthquake. I think this time it was a Driard for sure. I was looking at the fruit while my heart was racing. The inside of…

Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 7

Translator: Darling | Editor: Nebosuke People seemed to be busy cautiously choosing the fruit. As they were turning their heads, they were discussing in-depth about the shine and color of the fruit while touching them. To me, they were just the same transparent beads. Still, I was in a dilemma about choosing one. I do…

Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 6

Translator: Darling | Editor: Nebosuke That’s troublesome. I really hate walking. I wiped Daisy’s mouth with the clean napkin and she stayed still while feeling confused. “Then, we can go right now without preparations. All I really have is diamonds, so is there anything else I should get?” “Hmm, I’m not sure either. People with…

Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 5

Translator: Darling | Editor: Nebosuke “I need it, that’s why. I still didn’t resolve all my curiosity.” “I will come early in the morning tomorrow!” “Okay, that’s good! Early in the morning! Don’t misunderstand me. I get a lot of sleep in the morning, so I can’t wake up. If someone doesn’t wake me up,…

Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 4

Translator: Darling | Editor: Nebosuke Normally, I should be worried about going home when I instead landed in a strange place… Thinking that this place was inside a game, this crazy curiosity made me want to find out if my hypothesis was true. When will I ever experience something like this again? Huh? I don’t…

Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 3

Translator: Darling | Editor: Nebosuke We quickly found a negotiation point. Just like the condition a child has offered, I would buy a product and give part of it to the child. The child said this market was expensive as many tourists visited this place here so she guided me to the outskirt of the…

Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 2

Translator: Darling | Editor: Nebosuke Where am I? When I took my shoes off, I was definitely in front of my house… Why am I outside all of sudden? What is this lengthy coat? Where is the coat that I bought with hard-earned money? When I looked around, I was standing in a place I…

Terrarium Adventure – Chapter 1

Translator: Darling | Editor: Nebosuke Ringing. Master! The diamond wagon is full! Empty the wagon! During the lecture, there was a notification message and sound. Thanks to the professor’s loud voice and me sitting all the way at the back, everyone could have heard the notification sound. I forgot to set my phone into silent…
