Reiko’s manners Chapter 6

Reiko’s mannersChapter 6Main storyEpisode 6 ー “It’s past five already. I’ll send you home by car.”  With the sunset behind his back, Soujuu-sama looks really fascinating. If Sara-sama is a beautiful girl with cat-like adorableness, Soujuu-sama is a natural handsome boy type. Unlike Sara-sama, Soujuu-sama has smooth chestnut colored hair. However, I believe ringlet curls…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 49

Extra 1 Villainess Young Lady DLC (4) ー We broke up from Dominique and headed to the school gate. There stood a familiar young man and a familiar black car. He looked at me from the distance and tried to bow down as if he thought I am the Young Lady he is serving ―…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 48

Extra 1 Villainess Young Lady DLC (3) ー “Konomi?” Uwa― He doesn’t seem to care that I’m frowning. The moment he saw me, he called me by my name, shook the crowd away and ran to me. Then  ―In less than a minute, the schoolboy reached the hallway we are in. “Fuu. To meet on…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 47

Extra 1 Villainess Young Lady DLC (2) ー “It’s a surprise that you knew of the Holy Festival Day.” It seems the class that was just over is the last one today. I go down the school hallway with Charlotte Oliver (inside Eileen), who jumps on my back as soon as I’m done packing my…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 46

* Promised Fortune ・ EXTRA mode Extra 1 Villainess Young Lady DLC (1) ー One day, I was sitting in a classroom, when my Kouhai suddenly screams, “New download-able content has been added for Christmas! Yaaaayyyy!” Which was the trigger for the following events. ー It was almost the end of Christmas, December 26th, when…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 45

Ⅵ Villainess Young Lady (Tokoroten-type) Our beloved Villainess Young Lady ー “Ah! Senpai, Good morning.” It has been three days since I returned from that world. And today, I went to school for just one lecture. ――But neither students nor professors entered the classroom. When I went to see the bulletin board, I discover an…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 44

True end and last words ー The bullet I fired hit Cedric’s right shoulder, and the servants of the palace seized him and took him away. Meanwhile, Eileen did not leave me. The officials left the room, and Win followed to explain the situation. I comforted Eileen and slowly stroked her back, feeling sorry for…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 43

The condemnation end is not suitable (2) ー ――Me? What does he mean? I thought while receiving Cedric’s leisurely gaze. Well, it’s true that I suddenly intrude in this world, take over Eileen’s body and do whatever I want to return to my original world, make other people cry, letting them drop out, open things…

Reiko's manners Chapter 5

Main story Episode 5 ー “I think what’s strange here is that, for Kujouin-san, whose grandfather had been a generous person, to be living alone in poverty. Normally, those who received his favour should have reached out.”  Ichijou-sensei is right. “Perhaps there were people who offered help. But my grandmother, with her pride that was…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 42

The condemnation end is not suitable (1) ー I kick the door open and look at the people inside. I couldn’t help but think it is similar to the room I was in. The room is dim and an unfamiliar smell wafts about. There are music stands, chairs and musical instruments in the room. It…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 41

Show your true power ー “Aldo, look for Eileen!” Aldo follows my instruction. It will not take much time to explore the floors. He gave a short bark, and ran down the hallway. But we moved for only a short distance. “Stop, Charlotte Oliver―” Two men blocked the way. They are not friendly. Their eyes…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 40

Capture ??????? route! ――??????・????????? ー I woke up in a room without light. It’s dark and I can’t see anything. I strain my ears to try and hear something. I can hear the sound of clothes rustling. When I tried to call out, “Are you awake?” A familiar voice reached my ears. But I can’t…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 39

Ⅴ Serious gamers Kusunoki Confectionery ー -goton- I woke up feeling something had slipped from my hand. I tried to quickly grab hold of it but I am too slow. It is already separated from my hand. I woke up— and at the moment, “Uh, ouch……” I felt a great pain on my neck and…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 38

Bad end? ー “Konomi, when did you notice?” Benedict’s question affirmed my guess. He sat next to Dominique and told me, “sit down,” while pointing at the sofa opposite to it. I did as he directed, keeping my eyes on him. Then, started answering him. “I was suspicious in the afternoon when His Highness paid…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 37

Plot ー “It’s not your fault.” The rescue room. I heard Dominique’s words, which I do not know how many times he had said already, with my back leaning on the sofa opposite to him. Dominique took a shot for me, and the venue was in an uproar immediately thereafter. People were trying to escape…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 36

And the curtain rises ー I am no longer surprised to find a theater in the same hall. I don’t understand what the rich think, I thought to myself. By the way, it is a “Music Concert” that is going to be held at this theater. That is, if the schedule I heard in advance…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 35

Question ー “It was that woman’s hand holding the glass.” I gave that answer when Dominique asked, “how did you notice?” I am sitting in a round chair with my legs crossed. I am so blunt because I am so ttired. Considering the situation we found ourselves in, it could not be otherwise. When the…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 34

Actively looking far and wide ー The garden party proceeds calmly without any fuss. “This mini parfait is delicious.” “This tart is also delicious, Konomi.” In the first place, Benedict has an escort that sticks close to him all the time, and there is not much we can do. Dominique suddenly opened his mouth as…

Reiko's Manners Chapter 4

Main story Episode 4 ー “Welcome to the school infirmary.”  The sparkly Ichijou-sensei served us black tea. It’s been a while since I last had black tea. Nevertheless, this black tea got some excellent aroma “Sensei, I’m sorry but there’s something I want to ask you immediately…” “What is it Kujouin-san?” “Please tell me the…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 33

Welcome to the garden party ー “Welcome, everyone. Welcome to my garden-party today.” The party started with a greeting from Benedict. The sky is blue, the temperature is mild, and the climate is good for a garden party. Sometimes, the wind blowing strongly feels cold to the skin, but I think it is acceptable. Eileen…

Reiko's Manners Chapter 3

Main Story Episode three ー  After the briefing session for the external students, I headed to the salon in the east wing where Sara-sama and Soujuu-sama were. The external students all seem to be going somewhere. I wasn’t spoken to by anyone. My poor rented house was in the way of me actually greeting them…

Auto Assigned Villainess Chapter 32

The Case in the hall (2) ー “Eh?” “Un?” It was a male’s voice that called out the name. So now, is it the outside appearance, or me, who is inside he just called? We turned back at the same time. The voice belongs to a man standing in the gentle light coming in from…

Reiko's Manners Chapter 2

Main story Episode 2 ー  I want to ask Ichijou-sensei why I was called a villainess, but I can’t afford to be late for the entrance ceremony. I ask to rent a spare uniform, change clothes, and head to a large auditorium where the entrance ceremony is held together with Sara-sama. It’s an Art Deco…

Reiko's Manners Chapter 1

Main story Episode 1 ー “They’re blooming wonderfully this year too.”  The white magnolia visible outside the window is swaying in the wind.  Two months have passed since I started to live by myself. My self-centered grandmother died recently and, though this may sound cold, I was actually relieved. She was my grandmother but she…
